Azul Sordo

Azul Sordo is a photojournalist currently based in Dallas, Texas. She was born in Guadalajara, Mexico, and primarily focuses on issues of cultural identity, housing, immigration— and the relationship between these topics.

Cultural Sin Frontera

My grandmother was an escaramuza. She spent her teen years riding without a saddle in Baja California, perfecting synchronized routines at high speeds—like ballet on horseback.

At age 19, she became pregnant with her first child and unable to continue the sport. She didn’t realize it at first. One day, she dismounted from her horse and noticed a dampness on its back. She thought it was sweat. It was blood.

Inspired by my grandmother's connection to the sport, in March of 2021, I traveled to the home of the oldest charro association in the country: San Antonio. For two weeks, I spent every evening with the men and women preserving a centuries-old Mexican tradition. This project was only possible because of their kindness.